Hello All, It has been a rough few months with all that has been happening here in the USA. There has been a tremendous amount of division. It can be challenging at times to put ourselves into someone else’s shoes for the sake of understanding where they may be coming from.
Before we can even do that however, we must recognize that in our deepest self we all want the same things. I have had the privilege to travel by boat for a number of years which enabled me to get a little closer to the people of foreign countries than the typical one week vaca we usually get. What I saw and now know to be true is this:
- We all want to provide for our families the basic human needs we all have such as food and shelter.
- We all want clean water and clean air, without it we lose our health.
- We all want to feel safe in our homelands.
- We all want to care for our loved ones when they are ill or hurt.
Remembering these simple and basic ideals that connect us can help us more than anything that I know of to let go of the fear and demonizing of others. This can be your next door neighbor who voted for the opposing party or a person with a different cultural background than yourself.
I’m writing this because it has been work for me to accept some of the opposing views in the past few months. I’m guilty, it has taken some effort but I’m human and being human takes work! I wish every one of you a very happy day. Peace.